Diploma in Silver Metal Clay


open for enrolment for a september 2025 start


Introducing the Diploma in Silver Metal Clay from Jewellers Academy.

Silver Metal Clay is a fantastic material to make jewellery out of, allowing space for tons of creativity, easy to do from home and great for starting or growing a jewellery business.

This course is designed for anyone looking to learn and master techniques in working with silver metal clay, suitable for complete beginners or improver level jewellers looking to advance their skills.

This course is for you if your focus is to learn and improve on your technical making skills in silver metal clay either for fun, as a creative outlet or to start or grow a jewellery business.

There is no course quite like this created for this end of the market for jewellers with this level of support and we can’t wait to see what you do with it.

Watch the course trailer

Make Silver Jewellery from Clay


Diploma in Silver Metal Clay


Term 1:

Term 1 starts on Monday 8th September 2025

Week 1 - Make Silver Metal Clay Charms - with Julia Rai

Week 2 - Fingerprint and Personalised Jewellery - with Jessica Rose

Week 3 - Silver Leaf & Botanical Jewellery- with Anna Campbell

Week 4 - Adding Gold to Metal Clay - with Jessica Rose

Week 5 - Creating a piece using embellishments in metal clay - Make a piece of your own design using embellishments and techniques learnt so far - with Jessica Rose

Week 6 - Stone Setting in Metal Clay (Torch Fire Techniques) - with Anna Campbell

Week 7-8 - Ring Making in Metal Clay - with Anna Campbell

Week 9 - Polishing and Finishing

Week 10 - Photograph your Jewellery

Weeks 11 & 12: Workshop Weeks

Send Your Term 1 Projects for Marking


Term 2 starts on Monday 5th January 2026

Week 1- Shaped Stone Setting in Metal Clay - with Jessica Rose

Week 2 - Beads and Hollow Forms in Metal Clay - with Anna Campbell

Week 3 - Soldering in Metal Clay - with Anna Campbell

Week 4-5 - Box Ring Making in Metal Clay - with Anna Campbell

Week 6-7 Bespoke Textures and Finishing in Metal Clay - with Julia Rai

Week 8-9 - Fancy Bezels, Prongs and Bails in Metal Clay  - with Julia Rai

Week 10- Growing a Business in Silver Metal Clay with Jessica Rose

Weeks 11 & 12: Workshop Weeks

Send Your Term 2 Projects for Marking


Term 3 starts on Monday 20th April 2026

Weeks 1 -2 Enamelling in Metal Clay with Joy Funnell (Masterclass)

Weeks 3-4  The Rose Garden Stone-Set Pendant with Anna Mazoń (Masterclass)

Weeks 5-6 Advanced Metal Clay Constructed Ring Project with Tracey Spurgin (Masterclass)

Weeks 7-8 Lidded Vessels, Screw-top Necklace with Julia Rai (Masterclass)

Week 9-10 - Final Project

Weeks 11-14: Workshop Week 

Send Your Term 3 Projects for Marking

AND you get two bonus course

Stone Set Hinged Cuff - with Tracey Spurgin (not assessed)

Paper Metal Clay with Anna Campbell (not assessed)

* please note we reserve the right to make changes to the curriculum along with updates and development of the course

Note: as this is a fully flexible online course if there are weeks when you are away you are able to plan your time to ensure you cover all of the course content

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Course Samples… What you could make



How the online Training Works

Jessica Rose Jewellers Academy

We are professionals in online training for jewellers

Having run online programmes for jewellers for over 10 years, we are world-class leaders in this type of training. This is a highly structured and supportive training course, combining a mixture of live and pre-recorded video training sessions.

We are focused on helping you learn and develop your jewellery-making skills and abilities through a comprehensive online programme.


This online Diploma is perfect for you:

  • If you love making and really want to give yourself permission to dive into learning a new craft

  • If you would love to start a side business or would like to make jewellery your full-time occupation (you absolutely can achieve this!)

  • If you have other commitments e.g. work, family as you can fit it in when it works for you

  • Wherever you are in the world - you don’t need to travel to London to study with us anymore! (Our 2022 Diploma students are in the UK, Ireland, Canada, USA, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Jersey, The Netherlands, Singapore, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, The Philippines, Guernsey, United Arab Emirates, Virgin Islands, Iceland, Spain, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Romania, Colombia and Indonesia)

  • You could be a beginner or have some experience of making jewellery with metal clay and want a structured programme to continue to develop your skills


  • 1-2-1 mentoring sessions over live video at a time that works for you

  • Fortnightly LIVE Zoom sessions with a course mentor in a small group to get the support you need

  • Exclusive access to the Diploma in Silver Metal Clay student Facebook Group to share your weekly progress and gain feedback 24/7

  • Weekly lessons, professionally filmed that you can watch anytime (time zone is not an issue!)

  • Ongoing access to the Diploma video lessons. Go back to them anytime you want

  • Your work is assessed and graded by a professional jeweller and 1-2-1 feedback will be provided to help you to continue to learn and improve

  • At the end of the course, we will be awarding students the Diploma in Silver Metal Clay accredited by Jewellers Academy. This is awarded to students that have completed and submitted all the assessed work to the required standard by the deadline dates. Full marking criteria and guidance is provided at the beginning of each term

This is not simply an online course. This is a virtual Diploma which is a highly supported learning experience


Let creativity lead you...


Metal Clay is a wonderful way to express your creativity. Throughout this course you will be guided to work with lump clay, paste, syringe, stones, glass, paper clay and much more to create a whole portfolio of stunning pieces of jewellery. And skills to last a lifetime.

This year-long course (minimum 1 day a week commitment) is suitable for complete beginners as well as more experience metal clay jewellers who are looking to explore more and grow.

This course runs across three terms for 1 year. It is flexible study to fit around your timetable.


1-2-1 Support

Each Diploma student will have 1-2-1 online sessions with their mentors each term (three terms per year).

At the end of each term, you will send your work to us in London, UK for it to be marked.

All of your Diploma work is marked at the end of each term with feedback given to you via a Zoom call from your mentor.

This ensures you stay on track, you are getting full feedback and the support you need to really grow as a jeweller.



watch the LIVE ONLINE OPEN DAY replay

Want to know more about the course? I spoke in detail about every project in the course, how you will learn and answered questions at our live open day. You can watch the replay now on the button below.


fancy a chat?

If you have any questions about the course you are welcome to email them to us contact@jewellersacademy.com

If you would like to have a no obligation chat with us then click the button below to book a 30 minute discovery call.

Meet the Tutors & Mentors

Meet some of the world-class metal clay tutors & mentors who will be teaching and guiding you through this programme


Julia Rai

Julia Rai is an award-winning jeweller and one of the most experienced and qualified metal clay teachers in the UK. She has a Diploma in Art and Design and holds a range of metal clay qualifications as well as an adult education teaching qualification. Her work has been featured in numerous publications and exhibitions worldwide.

She achieved the Metal Clay Masters Registry credential at Level IV and was the first person in the world to attain this level. Julia is Vice-President of the Alliance for Metal Clay Arts Worldwide.

When not making, Julia runs the Metal Clay Academy, an online resource for everyone interested in metal clay and is a regular contributor to a number of UK and International jewellery-making magazines. She teaches metal clay-related subjects all over the UK. Her teaching style is relaxed and supportive and she loves to introduce beginners to this incredible material.


Anna Mazon

Anna Mazoń

Anna is an award-winning metal clay artist with over 15 years experience of making. She makes stunning intricate sculptural work in metal clay and her own work consists of mostly one-of-a-kind, dark, eclectic, experimental forms.

Her creations find customers all around the world and their photos are often published on covers of trade magazines, in interviews, thematic articles and books about jewellery. Her art has been appreciated in international competitions and she has taken part in exhibitions. Anna has taught metal clay workshops and masterclasses since 2013 in artistic studios in Europe and USA.



TracEy Spurgin

Tracey Spurgin is a qualified Senior Art Clay & PMC instructor having completed courses with Art Clay World UK, PMC Connections & Rio Rewards in America.

With more than 20 years teaching experience, Tracey teaches in her own studio as well as travelling extensively in UK and Europe to deliver courses, workshops & master classes in colleges, museums, galleries & shops, as well as featuring on Jewellery Maker TV. Tracey also exhibits at all the major crafting, jewellery & beaders events

Tracey will inspire your imagination and instil the passion and the enjoyment for working with metal clay.


Joy Funnell

Joy Funnell

Joy is a mostly self taught artist and who has been working with metal clay since 2006. She is a Senior Art Clay Instructor and a Craftsman of the Guild of Enamellers. But mainly she is a passionate artist who feels privileged to be able to do something so enjoyable and fun! 

Joy specialises in adding colour to metal clay through setting stones and Enamelling. Enamelling is an art which is centuries old. Powdered glass is fused onto precious metals at high temperatures in the kiln to create a durable coloured finish. Joy uses transparent enamels in her jewellery so the silver can shine through the rich colours. 

Joy loves colour and texture. These two things inspire most of her work. To see a rainbow will always bring a smile to Joy’s face. She is Joy by name and Joyful by nature.


Anna Campbell

Anna Campbell PGCE-certified teacher and a qualified Art Clay & PMC instructor having completed courses with Art Clay World UK & Rio Rewards in America.

She has been a guest demonstrator in silver clay on Create and Craft TV and wrote articles for Making Jewellery magazine, including having her silver clay work featured on the front cover.

She is the founder of Jewellery School Scotland and teaches workshops in Edinburgh



Jessica Rose

Hi I'm Jessica, a jewellery designer-maker and the Founder of Jewellers Academy and of the award-winning London Jewellery School. I am the best-selling author of 'Start and Grow a Profitable Jewellery Business'

Many people don’t know that one of my first businesses was a very successful fingerprint and keepsake jewellery business and I love metal clay so I am excited to teach on this Diploma course.

I am extremely passionate about jewellery making and spend most of my time supporting jewellers to run their own successful jewellery businesses. I am here to help you in any way I can with your jewellery making and look forward to learning more about you and your creations.

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We have partnered with Metal Clay Ltd who have put together a tool kit and a materials kit. You can choose to source these yourself or purchase one or both through us. You can spread the cost over 12 months.


The tool kit includes the majority of the tools you need to complete the course*.

You do require access to a jeweller’s kiln in order to make the projects in this course. This is not included in the toolkit as some people will already have one and there are different kiln options to choose from.

You can select to order the tool kit or, if you already have the tools that you need, you can choose to pay for tuition only.

Please note: there are some items that you will need to purchase yourself even if you buy the tool and materials kits. To download the list of tools and materials included in the kits click here > *


Metal Clay Ltd have also put together a material kit for making the assessed projects on the course.

We strongly advise that you purchase the materials kit. There are some items in the kit that we are sending you just what you need and if you were to buy them yourself you’d need to purchase a full pack. For example, the gold leaf for keum boo and enamels.

You can currently spread the cost of the materials kit over 12 months

Metal Clay Ltd are working on putting together the tool and materials kits and these will be shipped to students in advance of the start of the course in September 2025. Metal Clay Ltd will be in touch by email with those that order them to keep you updated.

We regret that unable to ship the tool kits to Andorra, Argentina, Greece, Portugal, Turkey, India, Israel, Anguilla or the Falkland Islands

Kits sent to France are subject to an additional customs charge of 600 Euros

Terms and conditions >

You can download a copy of all the tools and materials on the button below. We also have a list with links for purchasing individual tools that you need if you don’t need the full tool kit.

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bonus worth £499 when you enrol by 31st march 2025


If you enrol on or before 31st March 2025, you will get an early sign up bonus. This is perfect for you if you are thinking of starting a jewellery business or you’ve already started one and would like to ensure you have everything covered before your Diploma starts in September.

The Jewellery Business Starter Kit includes:

  • Start a Jewellery Business in 20 Days with Jessica Rose

  • How to Photograph Your Jewellery Using a Smartphone with Karen Young

  • Selling your Jewellery Online - Marketing for your First Year in Business with Jessica Rose

  • Bonus: How to Price Your Jewellery for Profit with Jessica Rose

The Starter Kit is worth £499 and will be added to your account FREE when you sign up for the Diploma on or before 31st March 2025.

download the prospectus

Note: the prospectus/course overview is best viewed on a desktop computer/laptop and features a summary of the course content. For dates, prices etc everything you need is on this webpage.


Imagine where you could be a year from now

COURSE FEES for 2025/26


enrol now



TOOL KIT: £555

You have a few options to choose from:

  1. You can choose to pay for tuition only or add your toolkit and/or materials kit.

2. Choose whether you’d like to pay in full now or spread the cost over 18 months.

3. There is also an option to pay in US dollars (scroll to find that payment option)

spread the cost over 12 months

pay in full


Spread the cost over 12 months

Pay in full now


That’s fine! Time zone is not an issue for this course. We currently have students on our Diploma courses from all over Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, The Philippines, United Arab Emirates, the Virgin Islands, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Colombia and Indonesia

This programme starts on Monday 8th September 2025 and runs to July 2026


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to your questions. Just click/tap on the question to reveal the answer.

If your question is not covered here then please do email us, contact@jewellersacademy.com

Please note by enrolling on this course you are agreeing to our terms and conditions >


What is silver metal clay?

Silver clay is a manufactured material made from silver particles, an organic binder and water. The clay can be moulded, shaped and textured. Once it is dry it is fired. Basic pieces can be fired with a jewellers torch (a creme brule torch will do!). More advanced pieces are fired in a jewellers kiln. The result is real 999 fine silver of hallmark quality.

Do I need a jewellers kiln to complete this diploma course?

Yes, for the projects in this Diploma you will need access to a jewellers kiln. This needs to be a programmable kiln that you can set the temperature. You can find out more about kilns here https://www.jewellersacademy.com/blog/which-kiln-should-i-buy-a-guide-for-jewellers

If you don't have one already, this is a great excuse to get one! You will be using it to fire complex silver clay pieces including rings. You will also use it for enamelling and firing pieces with glass.

We recommend either the Prometheus Mini Kiln 1 or the Paragon SC2

What experience do I need to do the Diploma in Silver Metal Clay?

No experience of working with metal clay is required as the course starts from beginners level and quickly moves on to more advanced projects and masterclasses through the year. If you have some experience of working with metal clay then the first week of the course may be a refresher for you before you build on your existing knowledge.

What are the benefits of learning jewellery making online?

You can watch me answer this question


What is the minimum amount of time I should spend each week on my Diploma training?

We recommend 6-7 hours per week.

If you can set aside the same day every week and get into a routine that will help you achieve this Diploma qualification. We release the content for the week and then you can decide when you watch it and work on your pieces. At our studios in Hatton Garden we had students that were working full time take the weekend option of this course successfully and you can too!

Is there a way to see what a lesson looks like before committing to the full course ?

Take a look at this free course to give you an idea of what the weekly courses are like https://jewelleryschoolonline.teachable.com/p/make-a-silver-name-necklace

When does enrolment close?

Tool and materials kits are limited and are available on a first come first served basis so we recommend early booking. We expect to close for enrolment in June 2025.

What do I need to make for assessment on the diploma?

You can watch me answer this question here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zslWFXTqXU

What happens if I have holiday/business trip booked during the term time?

The course is split into terms that follow the same pattern as the school terms (in the UK). If, however, you are away on holiday/for work etc each term is flexible and you can plan your time to catch up on pieces when you are back. There is also workbench time scheduled into the course to allow you to catch up or finish off any projects. There is an additional two weeks at the end of terms 1 and 2 and an additional 4 weeks at the end of term 3 which is built into the course for this reason. (There are 4 weeks after term 3 as you have an additional final project to complete).

Additionally, you can watch me answer this question here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUCXbZ6Hi04&feature=youtu.be

What is the marking process for the Diploma?

Three times during the year you will send your work to London, UK for assessment. You will pay for postage and any customs charges accrued for sending your work to us (customs charges are variable). We will cover the post of postage and any customs charges for returning the work to you.

You can watch me talk more about the marking process here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXW1ethMZIs&feature=youtu.be

Is all the course material released at the start of the course, or is it released as you go along?

The course content is released weekly during term time, each Monday you will receive an email with a summary of the material and the content will be available on the course portal for you. You get lifetime access so once each week is published you will have ongoing access.

How can I stay accountable and motivated on an online course?

The structured style of the Diploma will help you with this. Each week has a set project to complete and these need to be finished ready to submit for marking at the end of each term. You will be investing money in your own development which can also help focus your mind. We would recommend scheduling time for your learning each week, for example Monday is jewellery day and nothing can interrupt that (in a perfect world!). Having this time scheduled can give you a structure as if you were attending an in-person class. You will also receive weekly emails regarding the course content to keep you on track.

There are assessment deadlines each term that will also help keep you on track. The assessment deadlines are non-negotiable and you will be required to post your work to us each term by a certain date and send us a copy/photo of your recorded delivery receipt as proof of sending. If you do not meet the assessment deadlines (even one of them) the highest you can be assessed at is a pass level even if your work is of a higher standard. Think of it like not turning up for your university exams. Holding you to these assessment deadlines helps keep you motivated and prepared for when you are running your own business or working for another jeweller.

What support do I get as a student on the Diploma?

You get:

1-2-1 mentoring sessions over live video at a time that works for you

Fortnightly LIVE Zoom sessions with a course mentor in a small group to get the support you need

Exclusive access to the Diploma in Silver Metal Clay student Facebook Group to share your weekly progress, ask questions and get feedback. This group opens before the start of the course in September.

When does payment start if I sign up for a payment plan?

If you choose a payment plan it starts immediately and the payment goes out on the same date each month so if you sign up on the 8th of the month, the payments will go out on the 8th of each month until the plan is complete and the course is paid in full. If you prefer your payment to go out on a certain date e.g. on 1st of the month we suggest signing up on that date as unfortunately we aren’t able to change the date.

Is this course eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan?

As we are a private educational institution unfortunately our courses aren’t eligible for the Advanced Learner Loan.

We do offer payment plans to help you spread the cost.

I'm not in the UK, how do the payments work with the exchange rate?

The monthly payments will fluctuate slightly with exchange rate fluctuations and can go down as well as up. If you want to start a monthly payment programme and then pay off in full when the exchange rate is in your favour you can do this by getting in touch with us contact@jewellersacademy.com

Is the Diploma externally accredited?

This course is accredited by the Jewellers Academy. It is not associated with any other awarding body and there is a reason for that. We did look at different courses and mapping the content to national criteria but found that they were all very administration heavy, there were lots of written essays and work to do that we felt had nothing to do with being a successful jeweller. This course is all about helping you learn the skills to make jewellery from metal clay and to go onto starting a business if you want. We don’t care if you can write essays or not! And neither will your customers!

What level Diploma is it that is awarded if I am successful?

To pass this course and be awarded with the diploma certification you need to achieve 60% or above. To calculate this, we add up all of your marks at the end of the year and calculate your percentage. Students are given a full transcript of their marks. The hard copy diploma certification is stated as ‘successfully completed’ for the diploma they are awarded.

Jessica Rose Jewellers Academy

‘You owe it to yourself to become everything you have ever dreamed of being’