jewellers academy live events


We don’t currently have any live events scheduled. Keep an eye on any announcements on Instagram or Facebook for upcoming events.


previous events - 2023

London, Friday 19th May 2023 with Jessica Rose and Karen Young

Manchester, Tuesday 13th June 2023 with Zoe Leavy and Emily Lisbeth

Bristol, Friday 16th June 2023 with Kim Thomson and Elin Horgan

Brighton, Thursday 29th June 2023 with Jessica Rose and Emma René

Edinburgh, Wednesday 11th October 2023 with Anna Campbell and Karen Young.

Ts and Cs*

Tickets are non-refundable so do please check the arrangements carefully before booking

If you are not able to attend, please do pass your ticket onto someone else

Before booking, please check the venue information for accessibility especially if you have mobility issues. If you have any questions on this please email us and we’d be happy to help

Jessica Rose will be facilitating the sessions in London and Brighton only. Other members of the Jewellers Academy team will be facilitating at Manchester, Bristol, York and Edinburgh.