Money Mindset for Jewellers


what would your life look like if you didn’t worry about money?

Hello lovely

Are you confident that your jewellery is priced fairly to ensure you make a profit?

Do worries about money stop you from taking risks to grow your business?

i get it

This is a stumbling block for so many of us and we need to be gentle with ourselves. Starting to clear your money blocks is one of the first steps to success in business.




Your money mindset is your unique set of beliefs and your attitude to money.

A lot of our attitude to money comes from our upbringing and the attitudes of our family so it has deep roots and can be difficult to change on our own. But what you believe about money will affect how you live your life and how you run your business. This is a fundamental issue that affects many of us, particularly women.


If you know that you have issues with money then know:

It's not your fault


It's up to you to change your relationship with money

That's what we're here for. And I want you to know that you can do it - and I’d love to help.


Get ready for the Money Mindset for Jewellers course - a comprehensive deep dive into YOU

The course comes packed with insights into where your money beliefs come from, what your money personality is, what blocks the flow of money and how to write your Comfortable Money Plan.

Imagine being able to move past your current money issues with confidence. That’s what the Money Mindset course can do for you.

But wait, there’s more! This course also includes

  • Affirmations for Prosperity audio

  • Visualisation exercises to help re-train your brain

To really help you clear those blocks.

What is covered in this money mindset course?

This online course is broken down into bite-sized chunks.

  1. Why is Money Mindset Important?

  2. What are Your Money Beliefs?

  3. What is Your Money Personality?

  4. What Blocks the Flow of Money?

  5. Affirmations for Money

  6. Visualisation Exercise

  7. Your Money Moodboard

  8. What are Your values and How Do They Relate To Money?

  9. Writing Your Comfortable Money Plan

  10. What Will Your Ideal Customers' Money Mindset Be?

  11. The Ongoing Money Mindset Journey


how to use this course

The course features bite-sized videos on different topics around money mindset. We suggest that you watch it through once as the videos do follow on from each other. Then you can pick what you want to go back to at any time.

Complete the exercises. With an issue like money mindset, you need to be active when working through your issues. You wouldn't go to the gym and just look at the equipment and then go home! We know that isn't going to work. So doing the exercises is important to help you make the psychological shifts you need to make. Buy yourself a lovely journal (any excuse to go stationery shopping!) and reflect on the questions and prompts.



What do I get?

When you enrol on this course you get:

  • Ongoing access to comprehensive video lessons

  • Downloadable course notes to work alongside the videos

  • Access to the videos 24/7 - you can stop, pause, rewind and replay as much as you like

  • Affirmations for Prosperity audio

  • Visualisation exercises to help re-train your brain

  • You get lifetime access to this course so can go back to it whenever you like


Ready to enrol? This course is just £249 for lifetime access. Click the button below to enrol and get started straight away!