Want people to fall in love with your jewellery? Three free resources for you

Do you want to ensure more people fall in love with your jewellery?

Here are three popular episodes from the Jewellers Academy podcast to inspire and guide you.


1. How to craft the perfect Instagram caption with Social Jo

In episode 158 I spoke with Jo Treadwell aka Social Jo all about Instagram. We talked about how to write the perfect caption, use hashtags and how to sell without being salesy.

Why listen?
Instagram is a great place for jewellers right now. This will help you elevate how you show up on the app.

2. How to get started with SEO for jewellers

In episode 114 I talked all about search engine optimisation. It can feel like an overwhelming topic but fear not! I talk you through five things to do to get a handle on your SEO.

Why listen?
This is good for anyone that has set up their website and wants to build their website reach

3. Marketing your jewellery business for success with Elin Horgan Jewellery

In episode 120, I spoke with Bristol-based jeweller Elin Horgan.  I chose Elin as a case study for my book 'Start and Grow a Profitable Jewellery Business' because I am impressed with the way she approaches marketing. I particularly love her marketing calendar.

Why listen?
For inspiration and top tips.

How do I listen to the podcast?

You can click the buttons above and listen to the episodes directly from the website.

Alternatively, search for the Jewellers Academy podcast on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts or Spotify

I hope you find these episodes inspiring.