how to have a 20k Christmas in your jewellery business in 2024 - free online course

Jewellers can make 60% (or more) of their annual income over the Christmas season so getting it right is important.

If you’re already feeling overwhelmed and maybe a bit panicky about all the things you need to do, trust me, I understand. I’ve been there too.

But what if I told you I have a step by step guide of what to do month by month from now to really nail your Christmas 2024? And what if I told you this online course is absolutely FREE?

In case we haven’t met, my name is Jessica Rose. I have been working with jewellers for nearly 20 years and have run successful jewellery businesses as well as Jewellers Academy. I know from experience what you should spend your time on (and what not to waste it on) over the next 6 months to ensure your best Christmas ever.


how to have a 20k christmas in your handmade jewellery business - free online mini course

This short course features 2 videos from me talking you through what to do, downloadable course notes and a Christmas Planner to help you stay on track.

On this course you will learn:

  1. how to work out how many pieces you need to sell to hit your target

  2. the strategy you need to smash your goals

  3. what you can do in advance and what has to wait

  4. 15 + marketing ideas for jewellers at Christmas

And more

Sound good?

a sneak peek at the course content

If you’re wondering what you need to work on over the next 6 months to have a 20k Christmas then here are the headlines. The course goes into detail about exactly what you need to do.

july 2024 - planning

We start with planning and a series of questions to help you get super clear on what you will be selling and how you will sell it

august 2024 - making

Yes, making your stock for Christmas in August! Or at least making samples ready for photographing if you make to order

september 2024 - photography

If you are selling online or attracting customers through social media, good photography is now a must for handmade jewellers so let’s get this handled this month

october 2024 - webshop

It’s time to post your lovely jewellery in your webshop and start to make your Christmas sales

november 2024 - selling

Your focus this month should be on selling and this section of the course features tips on marketing

december 2024 - wrapping up month

Posting out orders, finishing up and your final push. And a tip that could add a last minute boost to your sales.

Say goodbye to overwhelm and worrying you’ve missed the boat and hello to strategy and sales this Christmas.

You get immediate access to the full course content on enrolling and can watch the videos as often as you like. There are downloadable notes and a Christmas Planner ready and waiting for you.

Now is the perfect time to join this free course ready to get started in July. Let’s go!