what jewellery making experience do i need to join the diploma in fine jewellery?

The Diploma in Fine Jewellery has been popular this year and we are getting the same question regularly - what experience do I need to have in order to join the course? So here is the answer!


The Diploma in Fine Jewellery is the year 2 of our 3 year Diploma program.

Year 1: Diploma in Silver Jewellery

Suitable for beginners and those with some experience

Year 2: Diploma in Fine Jewellery

Suitable for intermediate level jewellers and those that have completed year 1

Year 3: Advanced Jewellery Diploma

Suitable for advanced level jewellers and those that have completed year 2

(We also have a Diploma in Silver Metal Clay for those that are interested!)

So what if you have some experience of jewellery making - should you choose the Diploma in Silver Jewellery or Fine Jewellery? Good question! If you want to join straight at that level I have some tips for you.

The first thing to remember is the Diploma in Fine Jewellery is designed as the follow on from the Diploma in Silver Jewellery. For a number of years the Diploma in Silver Jewellery was our only Diploma course but then students were asking us what was next! So the Diploma in Silver Jewellery is a very comprehensive course in itself and despite the name, does cover gold jewellery including wedding and engagement rings.

Look at the curriculum for the Diploma in Silver Jewellery

You can find the curriculum for the Diploma in Silver Jewellery here. Look through the techniques carefully and see how many of them you can confidently do. As a guide, we expect you to be able to do at least 80% of the techniques on the list in order to be ready to do the Diploma in Fine Jewellery.

No repetition

The Diploma in Fine Jewellery builds on the skills from the year 1, we won’t be repeating anything. All of our courses work on building your skill level so you will use techniques again but in a more complex way so you need to feel confident that you can work at the right level.

List of skills you must have

Having said that, there are some techniques that you must be proficient at or have tried in order to succeed on this course:

your decision

Ultimately, we leave it up to you to decide which course is best for you, we don’t ask you to submit a portfolio.

If you would like to master the basics and move on from there - choose the Diploma in Silver Jewellery

If you have the knowledge required to do the Fine Diploma - choose the Diploma in Fine Jewellery

If you have most of the skills listed above and feel confident you can master the rest by September 2024 - choose the Diploma in Fine Jewellery

discovery call

If you would like to chat with one of the team about your experience and get advice you can! Book on a no-obligation discovery call. Or if you prefer to email your questions, get in touch on contact@jewellersacademy.com

Whatever you choose, enrolment closes on 7th June 2024 so it’s time to make a decision! If you’re ready to enrol on the Diploma in Fine Jewellery click here >