when you are learning something new, you need support

You need support when you are learning something new.

You will get stuck, there will be issues that you need help resolving. That is why the Diplomas from Jewellers Academy have been designed as they are.

Learning online
I've done the research and I know what works and what doesn't with online learning. If you are given access to a course with no further support, a whopping 50% of people never even start (which is one reason that we don't do that!)

So what works with online learning?
Your success goes up when you have face time with experts and when you have deadlines to send your work in. And that is what we have.

In fact, around 90% of people who start a Diploma course with us complete it and pass. And that is 1500 people and counting. 


In case we haven't met before, hi I'm Jessica Rose. I'm the founder of Jewellers Academy. Before starting JA I founded and ran the award-winning London Jewellery School. I have sixteen years of experience in delivering jewellery education from beginners up to professional level and everything in-between. 

When we took our courses online I wanted to make that experience EVEN BETTER than learning in person so:

I hired a professional film crew to ensure you can see EXACTLY what the jeweller is doing - much better than you can in a face-t0-face class

I designed the curriculum so that each week builds on the skills learnt in the previous week. This means you get to practice and add to your skills all the time.

You get lifetime access to the Diploma course, you can watch again and again whenever you need. No forgetting once class is over!


This is not just an online course. This is a fully supported course to help you keep your momentum and keep learning.

I want you to succeed on the Jewellery Diploma so please take advantage of ALL of the support on offer.

Here is what we do to help you succeed:

One-to-one mentoring
You are assigned a mentor, a professional jeweller working in the field. You will meet with them one-to-one six times throughout the year via Zoom. They will assess your work and give you constructive feedback on how to improve. This is designed to be supportive and advice-giving to help you continue to get better and better.

Fortnightly small group call
You will also have a fortnightly small group call; think of it like a tutor group. This will be with your mentor and other students on the course. Each person has a chance to ask a question and share how they are doing. This is great for accountability and keeping you on track.

Exclusive Facebook group
The Diploma has an exclusive Facebook group that is staffed by expert jewellers Monday to Saturday. If you have a question at any time, share it in the group for support from the experts and other students.

Your fellow students
One of the unexpected bonuses that graduates tell us about is the friendships made with like-minded people on the course. They are supporting each other and, in some cases, meeting up with other students living nearby.

If you struggle with getting the work done on an online course then you will be pleased to hear that there are deadlines! Three times per year you will send your work to us for marking. This helps hold you accountable, keeps your momentum going and keeps you on track.

All of this together ensures your success on a Jewellery Diploma from Jewellers Academy. 

You are not alone, we are with you every step of the way. 

If that sounds like what you need, click the button below to enrol on the right Diploma for you.

I can't wait to help you on your jewellery making journey