BENCHTIPS: MAKING jewellery with silver clay

As part of our Benchtips series, I was joined by metal clay specialists Julia Rai and Petra Cameron to answer your metal clay questions. You can watch the replay here and skip to the question you want the answer to


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Your questions answered

Do watch the whole masterclass or take a look below to see if there are any specific questions that you have. These are time-stamped below so you can skip straight to the answer.

7.55 What can be done to reclaim syringe clay that has totally dried out in the syringe? PMC or Art Clay -Silver?

10.11 How is metal clay reconstituted/recycled?

Here is our video showing how to reconstitute clay

13.09 I made a pendant with PMC3. I sanded it with five grits of 3M sponge throughout the process and again before torch firing. It was nice and smooth. But after firing, the metal has a pitted look in areas (like the skin of an orange). How do I prevent this from happening again? Thank you!

16.13 What else can go wrong when torch firing?

17.33 How to use your torch safely

20.05 Tips for drying your clay

24.01 Which brand of metal clay is best for beginners?

30.57 Do you find PMC fine silver pieces come out smoother in look and texture fired in a kiln rather than being torch fired?

37,20 How do i know for how long to torch fire art clay?

38.36 If I have torch-fired a piece and do not like the results is there anything I can do?

42.13 Is there another flexible clay to switch to from PMC flex? Or what can I do/use instead?

44.01 I have seen some of the horrible results from combining silver and copper clays together and was all set to try copper inlay into silver. Is there a way to do this without the destruction that can take place?

48.00 What are your polishing tips for metal clay?

54.21 Do you need a kiln for completing the Diploma in Silver Metal Clay with Jewellers Academy?

55.44 Is clay metal the same as recycled silver? Is it sustainable?

57.16 Can you use a mould with metal clay? Do you have to leave it to dry it before taking out of the mould?

58.14 What do you use to paint on colour?

59.01 What type of enamel do you suggest for silver clay?

Additional questions

Any kiln recommendations?

Check out this podcast interview on choosing a kiln Do give Metal Clay Ltd a call and let them know what you would like to use it for as they can advise you

Can you use a cooks blow torch or do you have to use a special silver blow torch?

Yes you can use a creme brule torch/cooks blowtorch when firing silver metal clay

Is there an ideal time for putting things into the tumbler?

It does depend on the piece. We suggest leaving it in for 20 minutes and then taking it out to check on it and see if you want to put it in for longer

Could you go through the types of finish you can get with silver clay metal, you mentioned satin and mirror are there any more and what is the difference?

Once it is silver you have the same polishing options as you do with silver or gold jewellery. The main finishes are mirror polish/high polish, satin, matte or patina

Can you use Spiney oyster or Paua shell with metal clay, Would you use them in the same way as using glass?

Shell is likely to be damaged by the heat of firing the clay so these would likely need to be set after firing. Usually people use some type of bezel setting

Can you fire rings in the kiln directly on the investment mold to keep shape and reduce shrinkage safely?

The issue with leaving investment mold in is that your clay will shrink and the investment does not. Depending on the size of the piece, that can lead to warping and even the seam of the piece popping open because of the pressure. It is best to fire without any kind of mould as kiln firing should ensure that equal heat means equal shrinkage. If you find your rings get mishapen the best thing to do is reshape it on a metal ring mandrel. You can use a rawhide or nylon mallet to gently tap it round


If you would like to learn how to make jewellery from silver metal clay then take a look at our one year online Diploma in Silver Metal Clay. Click the button below to learn more