How one jeweller sold 150 pieces last year



Meet the Jeweller who sold 150 pieces online in 2019 ... 

That's Carol, the Jewellers Academy Member who runs Silver Coast Jewellery... she has been making and selling jewellery for a few years but 2019 was really a game-changer, her sales went from 20 online sales in 2018 to 150 in 2019! A 300% increase... 

Bangle by Silver Coast Jewellery

Bangle by Silver Coast Jewellery


And the amazing thing about Carol's story is that she had a real personal struggle last year, her partner had a stroke and she became his carer, something that would have stopped most people from even doing any business at all.

'If you believe in yourself and go for it you can achieve it, I really believe that'  She shared with me on our chat earlier this month. 

So how did she do it? 

A mixture of working on her marketing, taking the online marketing for jewellers course > (which we have integrated into the new jewellery business bootcamp this year), implementing the strategies, doing the work mixed with lots of in-person events. Carol has a weekly fair in her local town...

'It goes to show that fairs can work. And people think it is about what you sell on the day, it isn't, it is about the people you meet and the online sales after' 

This strategy, combined with the community and support from Jewellers Academy has helped Carol achieve her goals this year! Massive congratulations you deserve every success Carol! 


Earrings by Nature by Day Jewellery

Earrings by Nature by Day Jewellery


Meet the Jeweller Who Reached 5k Sales on Etsy in 2019 

That's Dee, the Jeweller behind Nature by Day, Dee's main struggle was she loved making jewellery but was very shy and nervous about selling or being in big groups of people (I think we can all relate to that!) 

After enrolling in our FREE 'Kickstart Jewellers Academy Programme' in January 2019 Dee changed her goals for the year and set them a stretch higher. She stayed a member of Jewellers Academy working through the programme and also joined her local Etsy group, started working on her Etsy SEO using Etsy Rank and began really believing in herself.

She smashed her sales goals and has now sold 140 pieces through her Etsy shop.
When you start from scratch and get there, you are winning at life! You rock Dee! 


When Catie Met Soda Jewellery

When Catie Met Soda Jewellery


As well as the training the community is priceless... I feel like I belong!

Meet Caitie the Jeweller Behind When Catie Met Soda Jewellery ...

Joining Jewellers Academy felt like coming home! Being a self-taught jeweller working from home can feel lonely. The membership & bootcamp not only has great content, tutorials & inspiration, but is a fabulous community, a place that I belong - you can’t put a price on that.

You can watch Carol, Dee and other members of Jewellers Academy talk about how they smashed their business goals in 2019 here.

Meet Carol, Dee, Sally and Karen they all run their own handmade jewellery businesses and are making breakthroughs with the help of Jewellers Academy Membership.

This could be you... 

All these jewellers started without skills or knowledge in running a jewellery business, that is where we all start. We all have insecurities, we all have very real challenges and struggles to overcome. And we can all do it! One step at a time.