Top hashtags for your jewellery business



Instagram is the social media place to be for jewellers right now but how do you get found and drive sales? One way is to use hashtags - here are 30 to use for your jewellery business

Top hashtags for your jewellery business by Jewellers Academy

Hi lovely jewellers, hope you're enjoying your day. I've been really happy to see so many of you enrolling for our FREE Instagram for Jewellers online course (and there's still time to join if you haven't already!). Instagram is such an important place for jewellers to be right now to connect with people, show off your lovely jewellery and make sales.  One of the easy ways to do this is to use hashtags effectively but which hashtags should you use and where should you put them? 


Why use hashtags?

Firstly, let's go back to the beginning. A hashtag is a word or phrase with no spaces that starts with the # sign. You use hashtags that relate to the topic of your image on Instagram. This helps Instagram categorise your post so that when someone does a search for a term e.g. jewellery, your post can appear. This makes your content discoverable to those that don’t already follow you, helping people find you to build your following and hopefully make sales.


Where should I put the hashtags?

The best way to use them is at the end of the message that you’re posting. If you use hashtags within the text of your post it can be hard to read. Here is an example from our page.

instagram hashtags Jewellers Academy

How many should I use?

You can use up to 30 hashtags but you don’t need to use them all.

How should I spell jewellery/jewelry?

You have up to 30 hashtags so you can use both! We recommend you use the most used spelling for jewellery in your country in your caption but you can use both spellings when using hashtags, particularly if you want to get international sales. 


What hashtags should I use?

Firstly, don’t always use the same ones. It is worth doing some research regularly to see what hashtags are relevant and popular. You can do this by going to the explore tab and type in the search bar at the top of the screen, tap the tags option so you can search for posts using that tag. This will help you see which hashtags are popular at the time you are searching and which to use. However, it is worth using a mix of very popular hashtags along with ones that are more specific to your type of jewellery. There is a lot of competition with the popular hashtags so you won’t be shown in a search for them for very long. With a hashtag that is used less often you will appear in the search for longer. Also, look at using hashtags that are relevant to your post, not just jewellery-related. You'll see from the example above we used the hashtags #summerishere and #sunshine. This will help you get found more on general searches as well as by those searching for jewellery.


30 hashtags for you to use now

































And of course, use our challenge hashtags



so we can support you and cheer you on!

Jewellery specific hashtags

Here are some jewellery-specific hashtags you can use too!























Not seen our FREE Instagram for Jewellers online video course yet? Sign up and get started right away on the course here> 

And to really grow your instagram, join the 30 day Instagram challenge. You can start anytime you like and you can find the prompts for your Insta images in the course notes. Make sure you use the hashtags #jewellersacademy and  #30daysofjewellery to connect with others in the community. 

Let’s keep the conversation going over on the Facebook group

Happy instagramming!