A One-Page Business Plan for Success in 2021 (podcast episode)

This week we’re going to be talking about how to create a one-page business plan for your jewellery business to bring about success and growth in 2021. I do this at the start of every year in my business and it’s one of my favourite tools. It’s a very simple tool to use as a vision setting exercise.

Jewellers Academy podcast episode 32

EP032: a one-page business plan for success in 2021

This week we’re going to be talking about how to create a one-page business plan for your jewellery business to bring about success and growth in 2021. I do this at the start of every year in my business and it’s one of my favourite tools. It’s a very simple tool to use as a vision setting exercise.

Your Year in a Nutshell from Jewellers Academy.jpg


  • Today we’re talking about creating a one-page business plan for your business (0:54)

  • Let me explain how the one-page business plan works (4:20)

  • First, write down your word of the year (6:05)

  • Underneath that write your dream income for this year (7:56)

  • Whatever that dream income goal was, I want you to double it (9:22)

  • Take the first box and label it Q1 - then choose one key activity you’ll do in this quarter. Then do that for each quarter (10:46)

  • Then put two to three bullet points for what you will do for each headline (12:46)

  • Write down your revenue-generating activity for each quarter (13:37)

  • Finally, put the income goal that quarter (16:46)

  • What I like about this is the discipline it creates for each quarter (19:46)


Jewellery Business Bootcamp

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With love

Jess x

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