interview with john williams, author of F*** Work Lets Play: Do what you love & get paid for it (podcast episode)

This week on the podcast I’m joined by John Williams, founder of The Ideas Lab - a company that has helped thousands of people find something they love, get started and make a living with it. He is the best-selling author of the book Screw Work, Let's Play. His newest book is called F*** Work Lets Play: Do what you love & get paid for it and we’re excited to have him join us today!

episode 37 jewellers academy podcast

EP037: interview with john williams, author of F*** Work Lets Play: Do what you love & get paid for it

This week on the podcast I’m joined by John Williams, founder of The Ideas Lab - a company that has helped thousands of people find something they love, get started and make a living with it. He is the best selling author of the book Screw Work, Let’s Play. His latest book is called F*** Work Lets Play: Do what you love & get paid for it and we’re excited to have him join us today!


  • Tell us a little about you (1:39)

  • When you said you never wanted a job again, did you want to do something entrepreneurial? (2:38)

  • How did you start writing books? (3:45)

  • Tell us a little about ‘super niching’ (8:50)

  • Can you share about documenting over creating? (13:49)

  • When people have followed you on the journey they feel like they know you! (20:05)

  • There is a part in your book about removing internal blocks. Tell us about that (25:37)

  • Let’s talk about your book - what do people get from this book in a nutshell? (29:03)

  • Where can people connect with you? (34:40)



John Williams is founder of The Ideas Lab and author of WHSmith Business Book of the Month "F*** Work Let's Play: Do what you love & get paid for it". Over the last 15 years, he has helped thousands of people to find out what they want to do for a living and make it a reality.
Read about his latest bestselling book & get inspired with a free chapter download at


Screw Work, Let’s Play

F**k Work, Let’s Play

The Ideas Lab

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With love

Jess x

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