five last minute tips for promoting your handmade jewellery this mothers day

Mother’s Day is fast approaching in the UK but there’s still time to promote your jewellery as many people have not yet purchased a gift for their mother. Here are five creative ideas for promoting your jewellery this Mother’s Day


Me with my son!


Mother’s day is a great opportunity to remind your social media followers and email subscribers about your jewellery. You may need to think creatively about what you have that is ready to send out. That could be stock that is already made, gift vouchers, a pre-order for a bespoke piece etc

Here are some ideas for promoting your jewellery and helping your customers get the best gift possible this Mother’s day.

In 2023 Mother’s Day is on the following dates:

UK Sunday 19th March 2023

USA Sunday 14th May 2023

  1. create a mother’s day gift guide

Create a gift guide of items that you have in stock ready to ship. Try to consider different price points so that you have a variety of prices for every budget. Remember that when people are buying gifts they do often have a particular price in mind so it’s good to see if you have pieces that fit into those prices e.g. £30, £50, £100 etc.

Creating a gift guide is a great idea for signposting the pieces that you think are great for gifting. Of course, all of your jewellery may be great for Mums! But focus on items where size isn’t critical, for example, rings are difficult to buy if the person doesn’t know the ring size. Earrings, pendants, bracelets, studs etc are great. And putting together sets of jewellery is also handy for gifting.

How to create a gift guide

  • You could create a PDF gift guide in a program e.g. Canva. This can look very professional when done well. Include photos, descriptions and prices. Be clear about postage dates. This could then go onto your website as a download.

  • Or you could create a blog post Mother’s Day gift guide with the same content. This is great because it’s good for your SEO and it’s easy for people to shop from. You can include links so people can buy directly.

2. email your list

Remember to email your customers with your gift guide. If you don’t have time to create a guide then pick three pieces of jewellery that are ready to ship immediately and send them out to your list. Remember, however big or small your list is, it’s worth emailing them. They have purposely signed up to hear from you.


3. create a themed website header

You could temporarily change your website header so that it has a Mother’s day theme, featuring some photos of pieces. This is another great way to signpost on the front page of your website that your pieces are ready for gifting.

Remember to change it back after the event!

4. share on social media

In the run-up to Mother’s day, share some jewellery that would be great for Mums and be clear about it in the description

Some social media ideas

  • Share a carousel of images (Instagram) or a group or images (Facebook) of items that are great gifts for Mums

  • Share a photo of your packaging

  • Share a video/reel of you packing up an order

  • Use a ‘this or that’ image (see below). This is great for use in Instagram stories. You can add a question sticker. I use ‘finger point up’ and ‘finger point down’ as my caption


5. share a countdown

Be very clear on your deadlines for ordering to ensure the gift arrives in time. Make sure you have that clearly on your website and also share in any emails you send. You can create a countdown in your social media to help remind people to buy.

bonus - teaching workshops

 If you teach jewellery-making workshops these make a great gift.

  • All of the above applies. Make sure you email your list and share about your workshops as a great Mother’s day gift

  • Share a story of a mother and daughter or son attending a workshop together (bonus if you have photos you can share!)

  • Share that you have gift vouchers and how they can order (do you have physical vouchers? e-vouchers?)



For more ideas for Mothers Day listen to this episode of the Jewellers Academy podcast