Top Tips for Getting Started With Silver Metalsmithing (podcast episode)

There are so many ways to learn silver jewellery making, so how do you know which methods and teachers are right for you? In this episode, jeweller and Jewellers Academy mentor Kim Thomson shares 7 of her tips for anyone getting started with silver metalsmithing. She talks about characteristics to look for in a teacher, the importance of community, overcoming imposter syndrome, and much more! 


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155: Top Tips for getting started with silver metalsmithing

With Kim Thomson

There are so many ways to learn silver jewellery making, so how do you know which methods and teachers are right for you? In this episode, jeweller and Jewellers Academy mentor Kim Thomson shares 7 of her tips for anyone getting started with silver metalsmithing. She talks about characteristics to look for in a teacher, the importance of community, overcoming imposter syndrome, and much more! 

Episode Description:

  • This week Kim Thomson is sharing her top tips for silver metalsmithing (1:19)

  • 1. Identify your aims and priorities (4:31)

  • 2. Learn sequentially (7:28)

  • 3. Build a strong foundation (9:45)

  • 4. Community is invaluable (14:40)

  • 5. Ask “why” (19:30)

  • 6. Be honest about what you don’t know (27:00)

  • 7. Remember the people who taught you (32:25)

  • How to learn more (39:26)

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Silver Jewellery Making for Beginners
10 Days of Silver Jewellery Making
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In this episode, Jess talks with two of the diploma’s mentors, Kim Thomson and Zoe Leavy, about 10 benefits you can experience by joining the Diploma in Silver Jewellery. Jess, Kim, and Zoe also share their own experiences with overcoming perfectionism, finding a creative outlet, and more.