anti-copying in design with dids macdonald (podcast episode)

We have a special guest this week, Dids Macdonald (OBE) the Chief Executive of Anti-Copying in Design (ACID) - a membership organization that exists to support designers in their design and intellectual property. If you’ve ever been copied, worried about copying someone else or had any questions, they can help!

The Jewellers Academy Podcast episode 35

EP035: Anti-copying in design with dids macdonald

Copyright and protecting designs is an issue that many jewellers are keen to understand. Join me as I interview Dids Macdonald from Anti-Copying in Design to find out what we need to know.


  • Welcome Dids. Can you start by sharing about yourself and how you got involved in this area? (1:40)

  • What was your background when you started this organization? (3:20)

  • How do jewellers protect their designs? (5:16)

  • In what case would you register a design? (6:42)

  • What counts as copying? (11:03)

  • What is copyright? (12:45)

  • The whole process is a lot easier with a contract (16:22)

  • What is a trademark and do I need one? (17:12)

  • Does the process protect my designs in other countries? (20:45)

  • If you’re selling at a craft fair, is there any guidance on protecting yourself? (24:15)

  • What do we do if we think our designs have been copied? (28:24)

  • With a commission piece, who owns the design? (34:07)

  • Tell us a bit more about ACID (36:51


ACID is the UK’s leading design and intellectual property campaigning organisation. A forward-thinking trade association for designers and manufacturers; a not-for-profit organisation funded by membership fees. Their aim is to provide cost-effective tips, advice and guidelines to help their members protect their intellectual property to achieve growth through a proactive IP strategy.
If this is an area you are concerned about in your business do look at becoming a member of ACID.


ACID Website

ACID Facebook

ACID Instagram

Dids Macdonald Twitter

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With love

Jess x

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